WITCHES’ DANCE (Lanternfish Press, Fall 2019) explores the charged relationship between a teenage violinist named Hilda Greer and her teacher, Phillip Manns, a former prodigy who believes he is the reincarnation of Niccolo Paganini. When Phillip becomes romantically involved with Hilda’s mother, it causes Hilda to question her own feelings for her teacher, as well as her belief in him as Paganini. As she struggles to learn Paganini’s virtuoso piece Witches’ Dance, Hilda must contend with stage fright, her mother’s addiction, and a father who abandoned her as a child. As Phillip’s mental health deteriorates he becomes increasingly obsessed with composing his own violin concerto, while also being haunted by his beautiful, doomed mother and the witches that Paganini once dreamed into life. The climax of the novel takes place in Genoa, Italy, as Hilda prepares to compete in the prestigious Premio Paganini, the contest that began Phillip’s career and, perhaps, his madness.